Guide speaker

Bibata is my first name, and I'm a “freebooter”, Flibustier in French, in my own way. Flibustier, which comes from the Dutch word "vrijbuiter", literally translates as "one who booty freely", or "free forager". But my booty is not gold, silver or precious stones. My booty is history, memory, remembrance and shared pleasures. And it's with immense joy that I "freely gather" and share these riches with the curious, informed and novices. I'm a freelance tour guide, actress and storyteller, and I hold the Professional Guide Card issued by the French Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Culture. Originally from my native Burkina-Faso in West Africa, I've been "foraging" freely in France for over twenty years, mainly in the streets of Paris and the surrounding region. I offer guided tours of monuments, museums, neighborhoods and gardens in and around Paris: from the unmissable to the unusual and the original.

THE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE I hold the professional license required to guide through museums and monuments. This license is proof that I have graduated from a specific and training to be a tourist guide in France.
I always wear this license card around my neck during guided tours, do not hesitate to ask me about it!
GUIDE-CONFÉRENCIER, QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST ? En France, guide-conférencier est un métier réglementé. Pour y accéder, il faut posséder la Carte Professionnelle de Guide-Conférencier, qui est délivrée par les ministères de la Culture et du Tourisme. Cette carte autorise à « conduire des visites commentées dans les musées de France et monuments historiques classés » dans toute la France.
On parle aussi parfois de guide touristique, guide culturel ou guide-accompagnateur. Néanmoins, il existe bien une différence entre ces métiers : il n’y a pas de diplôme spécifique pour être accompagnateur, et un accompagnateur n’a pas le droit d’effectuer de visites guidées dans un musée ou un monument lors du voyage qu’il accompagne.  

I hold the professional license required to guide through museums and monuments. This license is proof that I have graduated from a specific and training to be a tourist guide in France.
I always wear this license card around my neck during guided tours, do not hesitate to ask me about it!